Estimate Properties - Agreed Price Tab Screen

Use this screen to record the agreed-upon price for an estimate. 

Description of fields on the screen

Field Label Description
Agreed Price $

This is the amount of the estimate that was agreed upon between the insurance company and the repair facility. When you first enter this screen, the Amount is defaulted to the Estimate Total for the current estimate. You can accept the defaulted amount, or you can enter a new one.

Confirmed This value designates whether the price has been agreed on. Mark this box to indicate that the price on the screen was agreed to.

The program defaults this field to the current system date. You can change it if you want to. Enter the date or select it from the calendar icon.

Agreed By

is the name of the person confirming that the price is acceptable: either the vehicle owner or a contact person at the repair facility.

OK Select this to save the information and close the screen.
Cancel This option closes the screen without saving.


Estimate Properties - Agreed Price Tab

See Also

Confirming an Agreed Price on an Estimate







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